

In an oval circle
You passed me;
Whether I passed you
To earn a fateful fame
Let us play a game
Either u should be a looser
Or a lost winner
But let dam care
Hope for the victory
I might play the tactics
You show your practice
We try to fail each other
Let’s play a game.
It ma takes several times
Day, month or years

We are the players
So go ahead
We are in the battle
Who cares the years?
You have to win me
I haven’t the loosing taste
For the god shake
Do not over the game
With some valueless tears
We may leave the way
If there isn’t fear
We are the host
Of ever ending game
Birth place of battle
Ever come to the end
It has to go long
To play the game
So, let’s play the game.

- Vishnu Pyakurel, Udayapur, (Currently in Middle East)

1 comment:

  1. prayas ramro chha agyaatjee
    keep it up
    all the best


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